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Five Ways Exercise Makes You Younger!

Updated: Jan 25, 2023

What if we look at exercise and daily movement as the ultimate in self-care!

I get it’s hard to equate exercise to a day at the spa, a relaxing mani/pedi or a bubble bath with a good book BUT I believe daily movement is the ultimate in self-care! Daily movement is rejuvenating and has long term benefits that far exceed what a massage or a pedicure can give you.

Don’t get me wrong I still love going to the spa, or sitting in hot bubble bath, or a trip to the nail salon but exercise can give you what no spa day ever can: long-lasting wellness benefits that’ll make your life better day in and day out.

The benefits of daily movement are plentiful (better sleep, weight loss, mood enhancer, boosts immune system and more) BUT . . . exercise not just makes you look and feel younger but actually makes you younger!! That reason alone is why I think we all need to view exercise as self-care NOT something we dread or we do because we think we are “supposed to” or we want to lose weight!

Let’s face it we spend a lot of time and money on products that tell us we will look and feel younger . . . some work, some not BUT exercise is a SURE thing! And it doesn’t have to cost you a lot or any money . . . heck walking is free! :)


Glowing Skin!

My bathroom counter is full of serums, creams and potions that I hope will reduce my fine lines and fade my age spots. But here is a fun fact . . . sweating from exercise helps clears the impurities from your skin and leaves your skin glowing!

And some studies are showing older women that exercise regularly have skin elasticity of a 30-40 year old!! Huge bonus!

Boost Your Mental Capacity!

I play the word games and have tried learning a new language in hopes of keeping my brain healthy! We can all be a little forgetful but staying mentally sharp is key! Great news daily exercise/movement is a great way to stay mentally sharp!

Exercise increases the area of our brain responsible for memory & learning! Those that exercise may have the learning and memory skills of a younger person!!

Revs Up the Metabolism

Between aging and menopause our metabolism naturally slows down, we gain weight and we lose muscle mass!! It’s a wonderful trifecta . . . NOT!

The more muscle mass we have the more efficient and quickly we burn calories which keeps us strong, helps us with maintaining or losing weight and reduces our chance of sickness and disease!!

The good news is with exercise especially when we add strength training can build up our muscle mass!! Thus making us stronger and learner and allowing us to get to and maintain a healthy weight!

Relieves Stress

Unfortunately, we live in a stressful world! Stress ages us! Stress interferes with our sleep! Stress makes us unhappy and uneasy!

Reducing stress is one of the keys to being happy, restful, healthy and living longer!!

Movement reduces stress . . . move more!

Slows Cell Aging!!!

I think this is such a compelling reasons to exercise! Exercise not only makes you look younger, it actually makes you younger!!

Exercise turns off the aging process in your chromosomes . . . it keeps your DNA healthy and young! Recent studies have shown there is a link between regular exercise and the lengthening of the telemores (the end of our chromosomes responsible for aging) suggesting exercise may literally slow down our aging!

I used to always joke that exercising is the fountain of youth well it seems that is actually more of a reality!

Start by prioritizing exercise, make it time for YOU, have fun with it and keep it simple. Start with walking everyday 20-30 minutes . . . the key is moving and all the good will come!


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