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Five Tips That Help Me Stay Healthy This Holiday Season

The holiday season is upon us and if life was a movie we would all feel bright, happy and joyful. In reality we most likely feel overwhelmed, stressed and barely able to pay attention to our health and fitness.

I totally get the chaos of the holidays can be a reason to push off your fitness and health. If you have a plan to stay on track and recognize that there will be bumps along the way which is all okay then come January 1st you will be happier and not feeling the panic of getting back on track!

I have been sharing with my clients five tips that will help prepare their minds, bodies, and habits so that the holidays can be as enjoyable, stress-free, and healthy as possible. I use these myself to stay healthy through the New Year and hope they help you stay healthy too.


I used to categorize food into "good" and "bad". The "bad" were all those holiday treats I loved and I would typically overeat and feel guilty. No more! There are no "bad" or "good" food, ever! There are some foods that have more nutritional value than others, but you’re not “bad” when you want to eat something with less nutritional value. When we put a moral value on foods, what’s meant to nourish us becomes associated with guilt.

De-mystifying holiday foods and permitting yourself to eat whatever you want helps you achieve better control of your food choices. This season, I will mindfully indulge, knowing I never limit or deprive myself, whether it’s the holidays or not. I will choose portions that make me feel my best and crave more nutritious foods because getting rid of food rules will stop the want-what-you-can’t-have allure that comes with labeling foods as “off-limits.”


I will be enjoying Christmas cookies, pasta and all the baked goodies! But I also know that eating too much sugar, dairy and gluten I just don’t feel good. To stay my healthiest self and enjoy this time with my family as much as possible, I’ll still eat whatever I want (totally guilt-free), but my focus for each meal is to add more veggies to my plate.

Holiday side dishes like Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, and the salad that no one touches are filled with good-for-you nutrients that will make me feel energized and satisfied. I’ll fill up my plate with the nutrients my body needs, while still being able to enjoy the traditional holiday foods that I love. Aim for 1/2 your plate to be full of veggies and it's a win!


Yes, I like to exercise everyday! Exercising is part of my daily ritual and brings me joy, energy and makes my mind and body feel good! I also realize there are days during this chaotic season that I am going to miss a workout or two and that is okay. My goal is to get at least 30 minutes of movement everyday and sometimes the best and easiest thing to do is to walk.

You don't need any special equipment or clothes, you can walk anywhere, anytime. Getting outside and walking will clear your mind, reduce stress and help maintain your weight.


The shopping needs to be done, the gifts wrapped, the house decorated, the holiday cards addressed . . . all reasons to stay up late and miss out on sleep. But getting enough quality sleep is beneficial for many reasons, like improving mood and energy. Plus, sleep helps your make better food decisions. Did you know cravings (especially sugar cravings) can be worsened by lack of sleep?

Bottom line: not everything has to be perfect, the holidays are a time of laughter and family, but don't skimp on your sleep and aim for at least 7-9 hours of rest a night!


During the holidays it can be harder to keep up with our water intake plus when it's cold outside a cup of hot chocolate sounds better than water. However, staying hydrated over the holidays has so many benefits.

Being hydrated will help prevent the dreaded holiday hangover. Experts recommend drinking one full glass of water for every alcoholic beverage that you consume.

And did you know that water is the perfect way to kickstart the body’s metabolism? Drinking a glass of water before you eat will help you feel full and eat less!

Get in the habit of carrying water with you at all times. And fun fact, you drink more when you sip through a straw.


The holidays can be a magical time with family and friends but don't forget about taking care of you. Make sure you take some time for you each day. Maybe it's a hot shower, some stretching, a walk or a cup of tea by the tree . . . find something that will calm you, bring your joy and help reduce your stress. xoxox

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